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A: Hello. This is Mr. Chen of Flowers Company. May I speak to Mr. Bill?

A: 您好。我是百花公司的陈先生。我可以和比尔先生通话吗?

B: This is Mr. Bill speaking. Good morning, Mr. Chen.

B: 我是比尔。上午好,陈先生。

A: What a pity! Mr. Bill. Now what I m calling about is that you sent us the wrong parts. You see, according to my order, the part number is NQ217.But you sent us NQ127.Now what can we do with it?

A: 真是不巧。比尔先生。我打电话是因为您寄给我们的货物是错的。按照我的订单,货物号应该是NQ217。但您寄给我们的是NQ127。现在您看怎么办吧?

B: Oh, sorry, we mistook.You can send the package back for a change, OK?

B: 哦,对不起,这是我们的失误。您可以把货物寄回来调换,好吗?

A: All right. I ll send it back to you as soon as possible. Now the second thing, do you have any new brochures? I m wondering if there are any new items that we can have next year.

A: 好的。我会尽快把东西寄回去的。另外,您那里有新的产品册子吗?我想知道那里面会不会有我们明年需要的新产品。

B: Well, we just received a couple of copies the other day. But so far as I know, there are few items.

B: 好的,前几天我们刚刚收到了一些副本。但就我现在所知没有多少新产品。

A: Oh, I see. As a matter of fact, we regoing to place a large order with your company shortly after the Christmas season.

A: 哦,我明白了。实际上,我们打算在圣诞节过后同你们公司下一个大订单。

B: OK, you can send it either by mail or by fax.

B: 好的,你可以通过传真或邮寄过来。

A: Thank you, Mr. Bill. Goodbye.

A: 谢谢你,比尔先生。再见。

B: Thank you. Bye.

B: 谢谢。再见。

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