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A: Hello, is Mr. Bush in?

A: 你好,请问布什先生在吗?

B: This is Bush speaking.

B: 我就是。

A: This is Li Ping. Have you received the goods?

A: 我是李平。货收到了吗?

B: Yes, we received them yesterday morning. We checked them at once, and found something wrong.

B: 是的,昨天上午收到的。收到后我们立刻验货,但是发现了一些问题。

A: Really?

A: 是吗?

B: The wool was of poor quality, and in wet condition.

B: 羊毛质量很差,而且受潮了。

A: You have checked our sales samples. The quality of our goods is based solely on them.

A: 你们确认过样品的,我们货物的质量完全以样品为准。

B: Anyhow, the quality doesn t meet our requirements.

B: 不管怎样,货物质量不符合我们的要求。

A: Maybe that s due to the dampness at sea.

A: 可能是因为在海上受潮了。

B: Yes. Your packing is not suitable. It s not waterproof. We d like to return the goods.

B: 是的。你们的包装不合适,不能防水。我们要求退货。

A: Not likely. But we can give you a discount.

A: 那不行。不过我们可以折价处理。

B: OK.

B: 好吧。

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