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A: Hello, Miss Dai. Welcome to the Fair.

A: 戴小姐,您好。欢迎光临交易会。

B: Hello, Mr. Wilson, pleased to see you again.

B: 您好,威尔逊先生。很高兴再次见到您。

A: I m very interested in your products, and would like to talk something about that.

A: 我对你们的产品挺感兴趣的,想和您谈一谈。

B: OK! Be seated.

B: 好的,请坐。

A: Thank you.

A: 谢谢。


A: I m looking for the hand tools. Do you have this item?

A: 我正在找手动工具,你们有这一项吗?

B: Yes, we have. We have two factories. One produces power tools and the other produces hand tools.

B: 是的,我们有。我们有两个工厂,一个生产电动工具,一个生产手动工具。

A: Can you show me the samples of hand tools?

A: 可以给我看看手动工具的样品吗?

B: Sorry, we only display power tools here this time. But here is the catalog of hand tools. You can take a look.

B: 抱歉,我们这次只展览电动工具,但是这是手动工具的目录,您可以看看。

A: I m looking for an adjustable wrench. Do you handle this item?

A: 我正在找可调扳手,你们生产此项产品吗?

B: Yes we produce one in a strong alloy steel. It s made of strong alloy steel.

B: 有,我们用高强合金制造了一款产品,它是用很坚固的合金做的。

A: How about the finish?

A: 表面处理如何?

B: It has a chrome plated finish.

B: 表面镀烙。

A: Do you have any samples available here?

A: 你这里有样品吗?

B: I m sorry we don t have the sample now. However, if you want I can have the sample available for you within one and a half hours?

B: 抱歉,现在没样品,但是如果您要,我可以在一个半小时内准备好。

A: Very well, then I ll come back here one and a half hours.

A: 很好,我一个半小时后再来。

B: OK. I ll have it ready for you when you return. Is there anything else you d like to see?

B: 好的,我会把样品准备好等您。还有没有其他东西您想看?

A: Yes, do you have any square drive sets?

A: 是的,你们有四角起子吗?

B: Sorry. We don t handle this item.

B: 抱歉,我们没生产这项产品。

A: That s all right, then see you later.

A: 没关系,待会儿见。

B: Thanks for your coming and see you later.

B: 谢谢光临,待会儿见。

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