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Clerk: Good morning, International Expo Center. Advertising Department. May Ihelp you?

Mr. Jones: Yes. This is Brown Jones from Southern garment Company. I'd liketo know something about the exhibition advertising in your center.

Clerk: Sure. Our department specializes in assisting company in advertising theproducts. We help them reach the target audience by placing backlistsigns, banners or posters at various locations in the exhibition space.

Mr. Jones: Oh, I see. How about per show advertising?

Clerk: For per show advertising, locations are available at our lobby entrance.We will place your business name, list your products and your boothnumber at the premier location. Your company can get the exposure tothe attendees.

职员: 早上好。国际会展中心广告部,可为您服务吗?

琼斯先生: 是的。我是来自南方服装厂的布朗琼斯。我想了解关于贵中心展会推广的一些情况。

职员: 当然可以。我们部门专门帮助公司推广他们的产品。我们通过在大厅或展位的入口放置发亮的标识牌、横幅、标语、或者海报来帮助参展商吸引更多的目标客户群。

琼斯先生: 哦,明白了。单次展览广告是怎样的?

职员: 对于单次展览广告,可用的位置在我们大厅入口处。我们会在显眼位置张贴你们公司名字,列出你们的产品和你们的展位号。这样观展者就很容易注意到你们公司。

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