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Most Greek myths or legends are from ancient Greek literature,including Iliad and Odyssey in Homeric Epic, Hesiod’s Work and Days, Austria Vader’s The Metamorphosis and other classics, as well as the opera of Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides. Myths are about the origin of the gods and the world, competition for the highest position and the God Zeus’ final victory of the struggle, as well as the love and quarrel, impaction of Gods’ adventure and power on the normal world, including storms or other natural phenomena and the relationship between places of worship and ritual.

The most famous Greek myths are the Trojan War and Odysseus’s travels, Jason find the Golden Fleece, Hercules’ achievements, Theseus’adventure and Edipusri’s tragedy.

Most Greek myths or legends are from the ancient Greek civilization, like China’s Shang and Zhou civilization. They are the ancestors of Western civilization, with excellent nature and extraordinary imagination. In that primitive era, they felt mysterious and obscure of natural phenomena, human life and death. So they kept dreaming, kept meditating. In their imagination, all things have life in the world. However, after the Dorians invaded the Aegean civilization, because Greek peninsula is overpopulational, they had to expand living space. In that time they worship heroes, thus creating many national hero stories. The people, the God, the story material created, quenched by the time, are called as “Greek Mythology” according to the historians.

The Greeks were polytheistic in their religious beliefs. Polytheistic means they believed in and worshiped many different gods. In Greek mythology, the gods often represented different forms of nature. Their religion had no formal structure with the exception of various festivals held in honor of the gods. There was no sacred book or code of conduct to live by. The most powerful Greek gods were known as the Olympians. The Greeks believed the Olympians lived on the highest mountain in Greece, Mount Olympus. The Olympian gods included:Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Aphrodite, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Hades, Hermes, Hephaestus, Poseidon and Hestia or later she was replaced in some lists by Dionysus.

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