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Culture shock is a phenomenon arising from cross-cultural communication.It happens when different cultures clash with each other.The term,culture shock described the anxiety produced when a person moves to a completely new environment.In fact,cross-cultural adjustment should be considered a continuum with at least two period-sentry to another culture and reentry to one’s home culture.

Metaphor is not only a linguistic phenomenon but also a way of thinking,which is one of the basic methods for human survival and cognition.It is rooted in language,thought and culture.Through the analysis and comparison of the use and concept of metaphor in different countries,we find that its universality and commonality of the metaphor as a basic human cognitive activities.However,metaphor in different languages reflects a different way of thinking and behavior and different cultural patterns.Owing to the different two modes of thinking and culture,there are some differences in understanding and formation that can not be ignored.

The metaphor of the cross-cultural differences exists between Chinese and Western influence.Language is a cultural change in the development of the complex,subject to political,economic,historical,environmental and other factors.Chinese and Western styles are different,but in many ways to infiltrate interaction and integration,language differences and cultural metaphor for the inevitable impact is complex and diverse.

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