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English culture is founded upon politeness and a respect for another’s privacy. Emotionalism was frowned upon due to Protestant ideals ever since the founding of the Church of England. Asking personal questions was considered impolite and it would be embarrassing to both parties if an emotional response was given to a simple question of “How are you”.

Therefore, the easiest topic to discuss that would allow both parties to be friendly and social without any risk of emotional distress is to simply discuss the weather.

Actually it comes from a time when women and men were not allowed to discuss much of anything. Talk of children, any body parts, etc was all taboo. Weather was considered a neutral topic, and one that“womenfolk” could understand. In the 1600’s &1700’s, and perhaps even before that women were looked upon as delicate beings and could not hear or talk of things that were political, warlike, etc. Since women were not allowed to mention body parts in public, the common headache was used. Women were also not allowed a very good education, as it was thought to be too much for them and that they couldn’t handle it. Some even thought that teaching a woman a foreign language was going to make them mad. So, there were few things that could be discussed in polite society, weather being all encompassing. To this day it continues, but not as it was generally used before. Now, it is just a natural subject for two parties, and either an ice-breaker or filler for a lull in conversation.

If we do, it probably goes back to the days when the weather was much more unsettled than it is now. If I talk about the weather these days it’s to comment on how much I like the good weather which is much more common now than in the past. It’s probably because, when making small talk with people they don’t really know very well, the English will chose a neutral subject and the weather is better than any others. So, if you are the first time to the England, you’d better talk about the weather with them who are the native. It’s advisable.

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