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The conventional bar scene of the 70s and 80s is no longer the accepted place to meet prospective dates. Lately, more and more singles are turning to the Internet for better dating opportunities. Talk show hype over cyberspace love encounters and the recent movie You’ve Got Mail have popularized the romantic potential of the Internet. The process of an online relationship, however, is very different from real time dating processes. The online environment is, by its very nature, restrictive. For new Internet users, the online culture shock can be daunting.

Learning to communicate on the Internet is the first obstacle for newbies. Emoticons such as :-), LOL, and are used liberally to express emotion, and can be like learning a foreign language. The rules are different online as well. There are protocols to follow in chat rooms; for example, to avoid accidentally offending others, sarcasm must be spelled out. Devoid of body language and intonation, the typed word is the only way to get the message across. Most novice Internet chat users first begin as “lurkers”, content to quietly watch others interact. This way, the Internet culture is safely and quietly experienced before a user feels comfortable interacting within it.

Another noticeable inconvenience, especially for women, is the seemingly endless number of chatters who want casual “cyber sex”. This affront discourages many new chat users from returning, and also perpetuates the image of the Internet being “dirty”. These cyber sex hound-offenders are attracted to the anonymity of the Internet. Where else can they act so rudely without getting caught?

However, all novice chat users are mesmerized to some degree by the extreme anonymity and fantasy potential the Internet provides. Often, the user eventually realizes the sensitivity needed to interact with others—a transition is made from relating to the computer to relating to other people online. Often, this transition is coupled with an event that brings about this reality—such as “falling in love” with a fantasy and dealing with the reality that follows, meeting a chat partner face to face, or realizing that careless actions have hurt another person.

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