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T: Excuse me, Madam, what can I do for you?打扰了,女士,有什么需要帮忙吗?

A: I feel a bit airsick. Do you have some pills?我觉得有点晕机,你们有晕机药吗?

T: Yes, we have. I'll bring the pills. Please wait for a moment.是的,有,我这就拿来,请稍等。

A: Thanks.谢谢。

A: Hi, here is the pill for air sickness. And this is a hot towel. I suggest you put it on your head and have a rest. Maybe you will feel much better.您好,这是晕机药,这是一个热毛巾,我建议您把它敷在额头上,休息一会儿,或许会有帮助。

T: Wow, it's very kind of you. Thank you.哇,你真是太好了,谢谢你。

A: Then what else can I do for you?我还能为您做什么呢?

T: I don't want to eat anything. So please don't serve me the meals and drinks.我不想吃任何东西,所以不用给我准备饭和饮料了。

A: Sure. We are going to arrive in the destination in 2 hours. If you need a doctor, we can contact the ground personnel to arrange it for you in advance.好的,我们即将在两小时后到达目的地,如果您需要看医生,我们可以提前和地面联系为您安排。

T: OK. If I need, I'll inform you.好的,如果需要的话我会告诉你的。

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