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T: A member of our group feels like vomiting. Can I bother you for some iced water, please?我们这里有人想吐。能麻烦你拿点冰水吗?

A: Sure. But can I suggest a glass of hot water instead? I think it may help settle down his stomach.当然。但我建议喝一杯热水,能使他的胃舒服一些。

T: Is that right? OK.是吗?那好。

A: Do you know why he is sick? Perhaps I have some ideas if I know the reason.你知道他为什么想吐吗?要是知道原因的话,可能会有办法的。

T: I'm not sure. But I guess he didn't have a good sleep last night because we are all very excited to have this trip to America.我不太确定,但我猜是昨晚没睡好吧,因为我们要去美国,太兴奋了。

A: I see. It's really good to have a journey to America for fun. Now I'm gonna bring some salad to refresh him.我知道了,去美国玩确实值得高兴。现在我去拿点沙拉来给他吃吧,或许会帮助他清醒一下。

T: OK, thank you.好的,谢谢你。

A: And there are sickness bags behind the seat in front of you. If he really wants to vomit, use it, please.另外,前面座位的后背上挂有晕机袋,如果他真的想吐的话,请用晕机袋吧。

T: I see.我知道了。

A: Any other problem?还有其他问题吗?

T: How long shall we fly?我们还要飞多久呢?

A: We just took off one hour ago, so it's about 3 hours.我们一小时前刚刚起飞,所以还有大约三小时吧。

T: Oh, it will be a hard time for him. Poor guy.哦,那对他来说很煎熬啊,可怜的人。

A: Sir, I suggest he sleep for a while, then it will kill some time and also relieve his illness.先生,我建议他睡一会儿,这样既能消耗时间还能减轻他的难受。

T: Alright, thank you, miss. It's very thoughtful of you.好的,谢谢你。你的服务很周到。

A: You are welcome. Call me if you need my help.不客气,如果有需要尽管叫我。

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