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T: May I have some entry cards and customs declarations?我可以要一些入境卡和海关申报单吗?

A: Certainly. We'll be handing them out for passengers to fill out.当然,我们马上把它们发给旅客填写。

T: OK. Do all of us have to fill the two forms out?好的,我们每个人都要填写这两份表格吗?

A: It depends. Every passenger has to fill the entry card, but customs declaration is filled out by a family.这不一定,每一位旅客都要填写入境卡,但是海关申报单每个家庭填一份就可以了。

T: I see. This is my first time to America, so I don't know how to fill them out. Can you help me in a while?我知道了。这是我第一次去美国,所以我不知道要怎么填这两份表格,你一会儿可以帮我一下吗?

A: Sure. I'll hand them out now and then I'll come back to you. Is that OK?当然可以。我现在要去分发表格了,然后一会儿我再回来找您,可以吗?

T: It's very nice of you.你人真好。

A: Hello, sir. Do you need my help?先生,需要我帮忙吗?

T: Oh, yes. It's just the time. I was wondering how to fill the customs declaration. City? It means which city we are going, doesn't it?哦,是的。你来得正是时候。我想知道如何填写海关申报表。城市?它指的是我们将要去的城市,对吧?

A: Yes. We are going to Seattle.是的。我们要去西雅图。

T: Can you tell me how to spell it?你能告诉我怎么拼写吗?


T: OK. And State? I don't remember which state it belongs to.好的。然后是州?我不记得它属于哪个州了。

A: It belongs to Washington State, sir.它属于华盛顿州,先生。

T: Oh, correct.哦,是的。

T: The primary purpose of this trip is BUSINESS... I don't know exactly. I come to US for training and I will also spend some days visiting my relatives in America.此次旅程的主要目的是商务……我不太清楚,我来美国进行一个培训,然后我还会花几天时间探望在美国的亲戚。

A: I see. Then you should write“yes” here.我知道了,那么您要填“是”。

T: OK, then. It's finished now. Thank you so much.好了,那么就填完了。太谢谢你了。

A: You are welcome.不客气。

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