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A: What can I do for you, sir?先生,有什么需要帮忙吗?

T: Yes, I was wondering how to answer this question of the customs declaration. My English is not very good.是的,我想知道怎么回答海关申报单的这个问题,我的英语不是很好。

A: Number 15?第15问吗?

T: Yes.是的。

A: There are two alternatives and you have to choose one from them, sir. You are not American, aren't you?这有两个选择,您必须要从中选一个。先生,您不是美国人吧?

T: No, I'm not.是的,我不是。

A: Then you have to choose“visitors” and answer the question“the total value of all article that will remain in the U.S., including commercial merchandise, is”.那么您就要选择“游客”,并且回答这个问题:“将留在美国境内的物品价值为(包含商品)”。

T: Oh, nothing. I am going for traveling, so I just take an camera and other personal articles for everyday use. I would rather take something from U.S. back to home than leave something in there.哦,没有什么。我要去旅行,所以只自带了相机和其他的一些个人物品,日常使用的。我应该会从美国带点什么回家来,而不是把什么东西留在那里。

A: Then you could write zero here.那么在这里写零就可以了。

T: OK. And what does this sentence mean? Do I need to write something here? But there is no blank if I need to write something here.好的。那么这句话是什么意思?我需要在这里写什么吗?但是如果要写的话,这里没有空格呀。

A: It means that you have read the information of the reverse side of this form and you have finished the declaration according to it's requirements. So you don't need to write anything here, just sign below and write the date.它的意思是您已经读过背面的说明了,并且已经根据它的要求申报完毕。所以这里不需要写什么,只需要在下面签上名字和日期就好了。

T: I see. My name and the date. Oh, what's the date today?我知道了,我的名字,还有日期,哦,今天是几号?

A: It's October 10th. There is the date on your ticket and you can write in the same way and it meets the requirement.今天是十月十号,在您的机票上有日期,您可以照着那个写下来就符合要求了。

T: It's great. It's very smart of you.太好了,你真聪明。

A: Thank you, sir. Do you have any other questions?谢谢您,先生。您还有其他问题吗?

T: No. Thanks a lot.没有了,谢谢你。

A: You are welcome.不客气。

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