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A: Passport, please.请给我您的护照。

T: Surely. Here it is.是的,给您。

A: Are you on a business trip or a sightseeing trip?你是商务旅行还是观光?

T: I'm here for sightseeing.我是来观光的。

A: How long do you plan to be here?你打算停留多久?

T: About three weeks.大约三星期。

A: Where will you stay?你要住在哪儿呢?

T: I will stay in a hotel.我会住在饭店。

A: Are you traveling by yourself?你是自己旅行吗?

T: Yes, I like traveling on my own.是的,我喜欢自己旅行。

A: You are a brave boy.你是个勇敢的男孩。

T: Thank you. I like doing things by myself.谢谢你。我只是喜欢自己做事情。

A: How much money do you have with you?你随身携带多少现金?

T: I have 2000 dollars.大约2000元。

A: Is that enough for you to stay here for three weeks?这足够你在这儿住三个星期吗?

T: Maybe. But if I need more money, I can work for a couple of days.也许吧,但要是不够的话我可以打几天工。

A: Well, everything seems OK. Please go to customs next.嗯,都好了。请到海关那边。

T: Thank you.谢谢。

A: Have a good journey.旅途愉快。

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