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T: Excuse me.打扰一下。

A: Can I help you?有什么需要吗?

T: Yes, I need to transfer flight after we land, but I'm not sure what to do next.是的,飞机降落后我需要转机,但是我不太清楚接下来需要干什么。

A: When does the connecting flight arrive?转接班机什么时候到呢?

T: It's 10:30.十点三十分。

A: Our flight arrives at 8:30, so don't worry. You have enough time to transfer.我们的飞机八点半到,所以不用担心,您有足够的时间办理转机。

T: That's great. So shall I go to the flight connection counter and go through the procedures first?那太好了,所以我要先到转机柜台去办理手续吗?

A: Yes, there will be a sign beside the gate and it will show you how to get to the connection counter. It's on the second floor if I've got it right.是的,出机口会有指示牌指引你去转机柜台,如果我没记错的话应该是在二楼。

T: And then? Need I take my luggage by myself?然后呢,我需要自己带着行李吗?

A: Do you have check-in luggage?您有托运行李吗?

T: Yes, I have two pieces of check-in luggage and one carry-on luggage here.是的,我有两件托运行李和一件随身行李。

A: Then you have to recheck in your luggage as you did before.那么您要重新办理行李托运了。

T: Oh, I see.哦,我知道了。

A: But don't worry, it will be easier this time.但是不用担心,这次会比较简单。

T: Good. Thank you very much.好的,谢谢你。

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