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A: Can I help you?有什么需要吗?

T: Yes, I want to know when we land on the ground?是的,我想知道还有多久着陆?

A: We are arriving at the destination in 10 minutes.我们将在10分钟后到达目的地。

T: I was wondering whether it's cold outside because I have got a cold.我想知道外面冷不冷,因为我已经感冒了。

A: The temperature is almost the same as that of the departure city, about 23 degrees Celsius. But since you have got a cold, I suggest you put on a coat. It's evening after all, and it's a little bit windy.外面的温度跟出发城市差不多,大约23摄氏度,但是既然您已经感冒了,我建议您加一件外套,毕竟是晚上,而且还有点风。

T: Alright. It's very kind of you.好的,你真是太好了。

A: Anything else?还有其他事情吗?

T: Oh, right. What should I do when we get off the plane?哦,是的,下飞机后我们要做什么呢?

A: Then you get your luggage at the baggage claim area according to your flight number. If your baggage hasn't come out from the conveyor belt, wait a moment, please.然后您就可以根据您的航班号在行李处取行李,如果行李还没有从传送带出来,您就先稍等一下。

T: OK, Can I just leave the airport after getting my luggage?好的,那我取完行李之后就可以离港了吗?

A: No. Is this your first time to Sydney?不是的,这是您第一次来悉尼吗?

T: Right. This is my first time to Australia.是的,这是我第一次来澳大利亚。

A: Then you have to get through the customs.那么你必须通过海关。

T: What shall I do there?我在那里需要做什么呢?

A: Just answer some questions from the officers.只需要回答海关官员的问题。

T: Is that difficult? You know, my English is not very good.难吗?要知道我的英语不是很好。

A: Often it's not very hard. Usually he will ask you where you are from and ready to, what you are going to do and how long will you stay in that country or something like that.通常不会很难的。通常他会问你你从哪里来,到哪里去,来干什么,会待多长时间之类的问题。

T: Oh, I see. What if I don't understand him?哦,我知道了,那要是我听不懂他说的该怎么办呢?

A: Don't be nervous. Just ask him again and if you still can't understand, he will get an interpreter to help.不用紧张,再问他一遍就好了,如果还是听不懂的话,他会找翻译过来帮忙的。

T: Wow, that's great.哇,那太好了。

A: Any other questions?还有其他问题吗?

T: No, thank you. You are very thoughtful.没有了,谢谢你,你的服务真周到。

A: My pleasure.不用客气。

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