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A: Can I help you, sir?有什么需要帮助吗,先生?

T: Yes, I can't find my luggage.是的,我找不到我的行李了。

A: What's your flight number?您的航班号是多少?

T: It's flight CA 30.是CA30航班。

A: The conveyer for flight CA 30 is here, but not all the luggage are out yet, please wait for a moment.航班CA30的传送带是在这边,但是行李还没有全部出来,请您稍等一下。

T: Oh, alright.哦好吧。

T: Is all the luggage out now?现在行李都已经出来了吗?

A: Oh, yes. You still haven't found your luggage?您还是没有找到你的行李吗?

T: No. Why can't I find my luggage?没有,我为什么找不到行李了?

A: Is your checked luggage oversized luggage?您托运的行李是超大行李吗?

T: Yes. I didn't think it's very large, but the officer said it's overweight. So they checked it as oversized luggage.是的,我没有觉得我的行李很大,但是工作人员说超重了,就把它作为超大行李。

A: I see. There is a special conveyer for oversized luggage. Please come with me to see if your luggage is there.我知道了,这里有一个超大行李专用传送带,请跟我来看看您的行李是不是在那里。

T: Alright.好吧。

A: What colour are your bags? I can look for it for you.您的包是什么颜色的呢?我来帮您找一下。

T: A larger one is dark blue and the other is red.较大的那个是深蓝色的,另外一个是红色的。

A: Oh, there. Is that blue one yours?哦,在那儿,那个蓝色的是您的吗?

T: Yes, great. Oh, the red one is over there, beside you.是的,太好了。哦,那个红色的也在那儿,就在你旁边。

A: Oh, yes.哦是的。

T: Good. Thank you very much. It's very kind of you.太好了,谢谢你,你真是太好了。

A: You are welcome. Have a nice trip.不客气,祝您旅途愉快。

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