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T: Excuse me.打扰了。

A: Yes, sir. What can I do for you?先生,有什么需要帮助的吗?

T: Yes. I can't find my luggage.是的,我找不到我的行李了。

A: Did you go to the luggage claim area?您去过行李提取处了吗?

T: Yes. But I lost my way in the terminal building and when I got to the luggage claim area, the conveyor belt is empty already.是的,但是因为我在候机大楼里迷路了,所以当我到达行李提取处时,行李传送带已经空了。

A: I see. We have to keep some luggage in our office if they are not collected by passengers half an hour after the luggage come out.我知道了,如果行李出来后半个小时内没人领取的话我们就要把它们带到我们的办公室。

T: Oh, I see. Then can I get my luggage now?哦,我知道了,那么我现在可以拿回行李了吗?

A: Sure. But could you please go to my office with me now? I have to register and you can take your luggage.当然,但是您能跟我来一下办公室吗?我要做个登记,您顺便也拿回您的行李。

T: Yes.好的。

A: Can I see your passport, please?我能看一下您的护照吗?

T: Sure. Here you are.当然,给你。

A: Thank you. Now can you describe your luggage?谢谢。现在您能描述一下您的行李吗?

T: It's a red large suitcase.是一个红色的行李箱。

T: Yes. And what is it made of? I mean the outer skin.是的,那么它是什么做的呢?我是指外壳。

A: It's made of leather.是皮质的。

T: Yes, you are right. Now you can take your luggage back, sir.是的,先生,您现在可以拿回行李了。

A: It's very thoughtful of you. Thank you.你们服务很周到。谢谢你了。

T: You are welcome.这是我应该做的。

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