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A: Can I help you, sir?先生,有什么可以帮忙吗?

T: Yes. I'm leaving Germany now and I'm thinking of asking for taxrefund. Can I get the tax refund right now?是的,我要离开德国了,我在想申请退税,我必须现在申请退税,是吧?

A: May I ask where are you going, sir?我能问一下您要去哪里吗?

T: Yes, I'm going to Swiss next.可以,我接下来要去瑞士。

A: Then you have to ask for a refund right now because Swiss does not belong to EU countries.那么您必须在这里退税,因为瑞士不是欧盟国家。

T: If I am going to another member of EU countries, can I ask for a refund in that country at last?那么如果我还要去一个欧盟国家,我就可以在那个国家一起退税吗?

A: Yes, you can. If you go to several EU coun-tries, you can ask a tax refund at the airport of the final country you go to.是的,如果您去几个欧盟国家的话,您只需在最后一个国家的机场办理退税即可。

T: I see.我知道了。

A: Can I see your tax refund form, please?我能看您的退税单吗?

T: Sure. Here you are.当然,给你。

A: You bought some bottles of perfume and face cream in XX shop, which total 300 Euros together, is that right?您在商店买了一些香水和面霜,总价值为300欧元,对吗?

T: You are right.是的。

A: OK, now can you show me what you have bought?好的,您能把买的东西给我看一下吗?

T: Yes.好的。

A: Let me see. Two bottles of perfume and three of face cream. Will you give them to others as present?让我看一下,两瓶香水和三罐面霜。你是送给别人作为礼物的吗?

T: No, my wife asked me to buy these things for her because she said that we can get tax refund here and it's relatively cheap.不是的,是我妻子让我帮她买的,她说这里可以退税,并且东西相对便宜。

A: I see. Wait a moment, please. I'll put a stamp on the tax refund form.我知道了,请稍等,我在退税单上盖章。

T: OK.好的。

A: Finished. Here you are, sir.好了,给你,先生。

T: Thank you. Then what can I do next?谢谢,那下一步我干什么呢?

A: Please go to the office next to me where you can get your money back. If you have other questions, you can also ask the officer, too.请到我隔壁的办公室去拿回您的退税,如果您还有其他问题也可以问那里的职员。

T: What's the tax refund rate and service charge?那退税税率和手续费是多少呢?

A: The tax refund rate ranges from 15% to 16% and the service charge is three euros.退税税率是15%到16%,手续费是三欧元。

T: I see. Thank you again.我知道了,再次感谢你。

A: You are welcome. Have a nice day.不客气,祝您心情愉快。

T: Bye.再见。

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