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A: Would you mind telling me the purpose of your visit to America?请告诉我您到美国来的目的。

T: I go to America for training.我来美国接受培训。

A: May I see your passport?我可以看看您的护照吗?

T: Of course, here you are.当然,给您。

A: Would you please open the suitcase?你能打开行李箱吗?

T: Yes.好的。

A: What are these?这些是什吗?

T: This is some medicine for cold.这些是感冒药。

A: Have you got a cold?您感冒了吗?

T: Yes. They are for my own use.是的,所以是自己用的。

A: Do you have anything else to declare?您还有什么东西要申报吗?

T: I have bought one bottle of whisky and one carton cigarette. Is it taxable?我买了一瓶威士忌和一条香烟。需要缴税吗?

A: They total more than 100 dollars, don't they?他们的价值超过100美元了吧?

T: I think so.我想是的。

A: Then you have to pay the tax.那么您必须缴税。

T: Fine.好吧。

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