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A: Can I help you, sir?先生,有什么需要帮忙的吗?

T: Yes. Is this the place where I can get my tax refund?是的,这里是可以申请退税的地方吧?

A: Yes. Can I see your passport, tax refund form and shopping receipts, please?是的,我可以看看您的护照,退税单以及购物小票吗?

T: Sure. Do any receipts count or the shopping has to reach a certain amount of money?当然,请问不管消费多少钱都可以,还是有一个较低消费额?

A: Well, you must buy them at least in the same shop. If you spend less than €91, you don't get tax refund.你必须在同一家商店消费。如果你花了不到91欧元,你就不能申请退税。

T: OK, fine. What if I had other shopping and I didn't know about this.好的,如果我还有一些其他的购物怎么办?并且我也不知道这条规定。

A: If you have different receipts from the same shop, I mean, if you bought in different Zara shops, you can get the invoice together for all products and go to one Zara shop and they will give you just one cheque. With this cheque you come back here.如果你在同一家商店有多张收据,我的意思是你在Zara旗下的不同商店购物,你可以把不同商品的发票都收集起来去Zara专卖店,他们会给你一张发票,带着这张发票回来。

T: Oh, I see. Is there a Zara shop here in this terminal building?哦,我知道了,候机厅大楼里有Zara专卖店吗?

A: Yes. Just on the second floor of the building.是的,就在二层。

T: Can I just go to ask for a tax refund form and then come back to you later?我能去要一张退税单然后再回来吗?

A: Then, in your case it's OK. But what' the departure time of your plane? I'm afraid you might miss your plane.您的情况是可以的。但是您飞机的起飞时间是多少呢?我怕您会错过飞机。

T: It's fine. I came here three hours before the take-off of my flight in case of what you've said, so it's OK for me.不会的,我在飞机起飞前三个小时到达机场,以防止出现你说的那种情况,所以不会错过的,放心吧。

A: Then come back soon, please.那么请快点回来吧。

T: OK. Thank you so much. See you later.好的,非常感谢,一会儿见。

A: Bye-bye.再见。

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