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T: Excuse me. I am reading the tourism journal and there is some information about the city I will go to. Can you give me some suggestions about where to have fun?打扰了,我在读一本旅游杂志,上面有很多我要去的城市的信息,关于去哪儿玩,你能给我一些建议吗?

A: Sure. You are going to Las Vegas, right?当然可以,您要去拉斯维加斯是吗?

T: Yes. And I'm also visiting friends there.是的,而且我还要去那儿看望朋友。

A: Las Vegas is unquestionably the party heart-land, which is the birthplace of many fashion trends of America's young people.拉斯维加斯毫无疑问是玩乐聚会的中心,很多年轻人的时尚潮流都是从那儿开始的。

T: What does it have?那里有什么呢?

A: There are fireworks, sound and light shows, and more clubs than you could visit in a dozen trips.那里有烟火、影音表演、还有数不尽的俱乐部让你逛个够!

T: I like such noisy city because the place I live is so quiet and I have had enough of it. I want something different. And I think Las Vegas can give me that.我喜欢喧闹的城市。你知道我住的地方太安静了,我简直受够了,我要不一样的体验。我相信拉斯维加斯能给我。

A: Yes. There will be many people as young as you because Las Vegas is the paradise of youth. So get ready to have fun there.是的,那里有许多像你一样的年轻人,因为拉斯维加斯是年轻人的天堂,所以准备好去好好玩吧。

T: Sure. I'm ready.当然,我准备好了。

A: Have a good time.祝您玩得高兴。

T: Thank you.谢谢。

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