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T: Excuse me, could you help me?请问能帮个忙吗?

A: Yes. What's the problem?是的。有什么需要帮忙的?

T: Well, I was wondering if anyone has turned in a passport.我想知道有没有人拾到一本护照交过来?

A: I'm afraid not. Have you lost your passport?恐怕没有。您丢失了护照?

T: I think so. I can't find it anywhere in my bag.是的。我在包里到处都找遍了也没有找到。

A: Sorry, your passport was not turned in here.对不起。没有人拾到交到这里来。

T: Then what shall I do?那么我该怎么办?

A: You can go to the Lost and Found Office, maybe someone picked up your passport and returned it there.您可以去失物招领处看看,或许有人捡到了您的护照然后把它还到那里去了。

T: OK.好的。

T: Then what if I can't find it there, either?那么如果在那里也找不到怎么办?

A: Then they will contact police to help you.那么他们会联系警察来帮您的。

T: I see. Thank you. I am going now.好的,我知道了,谢谢你,我现在就过去。

A: You are welcome.不客气。

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