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T: Can you tell me something about Canada? This is the first time I came here and want to know more about it.你能给我介绍一下加拿大吗?这是我第一次来,我想多了解一下。

A: Sure. Which aspect do you want to know?当然了,您想了解哪方面呢?

T: I hear Canada is a very mountainous country.我听说加拿大是个多山的国家。

A: Yes. In the west is the famous Rocky Mountains.是的。西部有著名的洛基山脉。

T: Aren't they part of the chain that stretches all the way down America?其中的一系列山脉延伸至美国,是吗?

A: That's right. In the east, mountains stretch down the coast of Canada, too.是的,山脉的东部也延伸到了加拿大的海岸。

T: What is the middle of Canada like?加拿大的中部如何呢?

A: The central provinces are a vast plain.中部省份是广大的平原。

T: Is the north hilly?北部小山多吗?

A: Not in the center. It is full of lakes, rivers and low vegetation resting on permafrost.中心地区山不多。那里湖泊河流密布。低矮的植物生长在永久的冻土上。

T: Does that mean permanent ice?你是说永久冰冻吗?

A: Yes, about three feet below the surface of the ground is frozen.对,地下三尺都是冰冻的。

T: I see. It's an amazing thing for me. You know, we don't have very cold places in our country. It's always hot.我知道了,对我来说太神奇了,我们国家没有很冷的地方,总是很热。

A: So it's a good choice to go to a cold country for a visit and have a different experience, isn' it?所以去很冷的国家旅游,有个不同的体验也是不错的选择,对吧?

T: You are right. That's why I come here. Thanks for your introduction.是的,这就是我来这里的原因,谢谢你的介绍。

A: You are welcome. Have a nice stay.不客气,祝您玩的愉快。

T: Thank you.谢谢。

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