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A: Can I help you, sir? You look so pale.有什么需要帮忙的吗,先生?您看起来脸色苍白。

T: Yes, I have lost my passport.是的,我把护照给丢了。

A: When did you find that your passport was missing?你什么时候发现你的护照丢了的?

T: Let me think. Oh, when I got on my plane, I showed it to the flight attendant, but I didn't see it after that.让我想一下,哦,我上飞机后给空姐看过,但是在那之后就没看见它了。

A: Maybe it was lost in the airplane.或许您落在飞机上了。

T: Oh, yes. It must be in the plane. I put it in my pocket of my trousers and it's easy to get out when I was sitting.哦,是的,它一定是落在飞机上了,我把它放在裤子口袋里,如果我坐着的话它就很容易掉落出来。

A: Don't worry, sir. I'll contact the flight attendant for you and ask whether they have picked up your passport.先生,别着急,我现在联系一下工作人员看他们有没有捡到您的护照。

T: It's very nice of you.你真是太好了。

A: What's your flight number?您的航班是几号?

T: It's CA38.是CA38。

A: Sir, what's your name?先生,您的姓名是?

T: My name is Chen Jian.我的名字是陈剑。

A: Wait a moment, please.请稍等。

T: Fine.好的。

A: I'm glad to tell you that your passport has been found and it's been sent to us. Please sit and have a rest.很高兴地告诉您,您的护照已经找到了,现在工作人员正把它送过来,请先坐下来休息一会儿吧。

T: Great. Thank you.太好了,谢谢你。

A: My pleasure.不客气。

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