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T: I can't find my bag. Can you help me?我把包给丢了。你能帮我吗?

A: Oh, that's too bad. What happened?哦,那很糟糕,到底发生了什么事呢?

T: I forgot it at the restaurant when I went out for lunch.吃午饭的时候落在餐馆了。

A: Is there anything important in the purse?包里有什么贵重的东西吗?

T: Yeah, my passport! That's the most important thing.有啊,我的护照在里面呀!麻烦的就是这个丢了。

A: Have you reported it to the police?你有没有去派出所报失?

T: Yeah. And then what should I do?是的,那接下来我要做什么呢?

A: You have to go to the embassy and apply for a new one.您需要到大使馆补办护照。

T: Oh, right.哦,是的。

A: You also lost your visa?您把签证也丢了吗?

T: Yes, it's also in my bag together with my passport.是的,签证也放在包里,跟护照放在一起呢。

A: Then you also need to apply for a new visa.那么您也得申请一个新的护照了。

T: God. It's troublesome.天哪,这有点麻烦。

A: Don't worry. Here is a chart which tells you how to apply for a new passport and visa. It's very clear.别担心,这有个图表介绍如何申请新的护照和签证,很清楚的。

T: It seems to be the only choice.似乎只有这一个选择了。

A: Good luck.祝您好运。

T: Thank you.谢谢。

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