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A:I'd like to have this shirt washed and ironed.我想把这件衬衫拿去洗和烫。

B:OK, do you want us to use starch?好的,您需要用淀粉浆给衣服上浆吗?

A:Yes, heavy starch in the collar, please.是的,请在衣领处上多点浆。

B:Yeah, sir. Your shirt will be ready by Thursday morning.Anything else?好的,先生。您的衬衫会在周四早晨准备好。还有其他的事情吗?

A:I also have a suit to be dry-cleaned. Can I fetch it the day after tomorrow?It's urgent.我还有一件西装要干洗。我能在后天取回它吗?这比较急。

B:No problem, sir.没问题,先生。

A:Could you please tell me when your laundry opens and closes?您能不能告诉我你们洗衣房开门和关门的时间?

B:We'll remain open from 9 a. m.till 8 p.m.我们的营业时间是早上9点到晚上8点。

A:I see.我明白了。

B:Here's your laundry ticket, sir.这是您的洗衣票,先生。

A:Thank you.谢谢。

A:I'd like to get my laundry.我想取回我送洗的衣服。

B:Yes, sir. May I have your laundry ticket please?好的,先生。请出示您的洗衣票。

A:Here you are.给你。

B:Yes, they're ready to go.好的,它们已经准备好了。

A:Can you sew on these buttons?您能把这些纽扣缝上去吗?

B:No problem.没问题。

A:How much for the shirts?洗这件衬衫需要多少钱?

B:10 dollars. 10美元。

A:Here's the money, keep the change.给你钱,不用找了。

B:Thank you, bye!谢谢,再见!

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