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A:Good afternoon, everyone. The experiment is to start at 4:00.Have you gone through the instructions?同学们,下午好。实验4点开始,都看过操作说明了吧?

B:Yes, sir.是的,老师。

A:OK. Now let me draw your attention to some important points.First of all, pay attention to safety.Second, don't hurry to the finish, take your time and do it correctly.Now, sign your names on the lab record, and after that you can start. If there problews, let me know.好的,现在有几点是需要你们注意的。第一,要注意安全;第二,不要忙着完成。慢慢来,要做好了。现在,把你们的名字写在实验报告上,就可以开始做了。如果有什么问题就告诉我。

B:Excuse me, sir, this air compressor doesn't work.老师,这台空气压缩器不转了。

A:Have you turned it on?你打开开关了吗?

B:Yes, I have.打开了。

A:OK, I'll get you another one.好的,我给你换一台。

B:Thank you.谢谢。

A:Do you have your safety goggles and the right protective gloves?你有安全护眼镜和防护手套吗?

B:Yes, sir. Right here.有,老师,在这儿。

A:Make sure you put them on.一定要把它们戴上。

B:Yes, sir. Right away.好的,老师,我马上就戴。

A:Good luck.祝你好运。

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