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A:Are you ready?准备好了吗?


A:Please answer my question without looking at your textbooks. Who can tell us something about the author's life?回答我的问题时请不要看书,谁能给我们讲一下作者的生平。

B:The author is a famous professor and he was born in 1939.作者是一名有名的教授,出生于1939年。

A:What's the central idea of this passage?Bill, can you give us a brief introduction in your own words?这篇文章的中心思想是什么?比尔,你能用自己的话简单介绍一下吗?

B:I'm sorry, I can't right now. May I listen to the others first and then I will have a try for it?对不起,我现在还不行。能不能先让我听听别人怎么说,然后我再来试试?

A:OK. Susan, will you have a try?好吧。苏珊,你能说说吗?

B:I am afraid I can't express myself in English. Can I use Chinese?我恐怕用英语难以表达,我能用汉语吗?

A:No, you can't. This is an English class, and you have to express yourself in English.In your English class, try to think and express yourselves in English.In addition, you must keep your mind working in English all the time when you answer my questions.不行,我们是在上英语课,你必须用英语来表达。在英语课上,应该尽量用英语来思考,用英语来表达。另外,回答我的提问时,要始终保持用英语来思考。

B:Then let me have a try. In this passage, the author takes the characters peculiar to the British people as a topic to show that they are quite different from other nationalities.They are quiet, shy and reserved.那我试试吧。在本篇文章中,作者以英国人的特点为主题来说明英国人与其他国家人的不同之处,英国人内向,腼腆和保守。

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