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Waitress:Are you ready to order, sir?先生,准备好点餐了吗?

Benjamin:Yeah. I have a fancy for some wine tonight.Can you recommend something for me?是的。我今天晚上想喝点酒。你有什么能为我推荐的吗?

Waitress:Our red wine is very famous. I'd suggest you try that.我们这里的红酒很有名。我建议您尝一下。

Benjamin:All right. What kind of red wine do you serve?好的。你们有什么红酒呢?

Waitress:Here are a variety of red wines for you to choose. You can have a taste then make your decision then. Here is the wine menu.我们有很多种红酒可以供您选择。您可以先尝一下再做决定。这是酒单。

Benjamin:The dry red wine looks quite good. I'd like to try this one.干红葡萄酒看起来不错。我想试试这个。

Waitress:Then do you like any cheese to go with it?那您想来点奶酪来配红酒吗?

Benjamin:Why?Do I have to order that?为什么?我一定要点吗?

Waitress:Oh, no. But cheese is the best thing to go with red wine.And we have really fresh cheese which will be free if you order red wine. Here are the pictures.Pick out something you like.哦,不是的。不过奶酪是红酒比较好的搭配。我们这里有非常新鲜的奶酪,而且如果您已经点了红酒的话,奶酪就是免费的。这里是奶酪的图片。选一些您喜欢的吧。

Benjamin:That's really nice. I'd like this one.It looks very attractive.这可真不错。我就来这种吧。它看上去很美味。

Waitress:What would you like for appetizer and dinner?请问开胃品和正餐您想要点什么?

Benjamin:Croissant for appetizer and two beef steaks for dinner.开胃品就来点牛角面包吧,正餐要两份牛排。

Waitress:How do you want your steaks, rare, medium or well-done?请问要什么样的牛排,比较生的,适中的,还是熟透的?

Benjamin:Medium, please.适中的就可以了。

Waitress:Anything for dessert?要来点甜点吗?

Benjamin:Sure. We'd like to have Black Forest Cake for dessert.当然。我们要黑森林蛋糕当甜点。

Waitress:OK. Please wait for a while.We'll get it done quickly!好的。请稍等。

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