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1. I stood in the aisle of the market for nearly ten minutes trying to make a simple decision about what type of pudding to buy. My life is such that anything with an “instant” label on it grabs my attention. But oh the memories of my mom making chocolate “cook and serve”pudding.

2. As I stood there in the market, I could see myself as a child waiting by the stove and watching my mom slowly stir the pudding until it reached that creamy velvet rich texture. Icould see her pouring it into the cups, leaving just enough stuck to the sides of the pot to entice me to take the stirring spoon and scrape every morsel, until the pot barely needed to be cleaned.

3. The process of making this dreamy dessert takes patience and time. Two things I find myself lacking in my life today.

4. On one hand, the instant is easier and requires one bowl. No muss. No fuss. But too many times in my life I have taken the easy way. Oh yes, I have reached my goal in the process.But to what gain? Instant stuff brings little satisfaction in life. A solid success that one hangs proudly on the wall is one that requires the same special attention as “cook and serve” pudding.

1. 我在超市的过道上站了近十分钟,试图做出一个简单的决定:买哪种布丁。在我的生活中,任何标有“速食或速溶”说明的东西总会吸引我的注意。然而,我突然想起母亲烹制“即做即食”的巧克力布丁的场景。

2. 我站在超市里,回想起自己孩提时等候在炉子旁,看着母亲慢慢地搅动布丁直到它呈现出奶油色如天鹅绒般柔软而醇厚的状态的那个情景。我看着她把做好的布丁倒进杯子里,然后会有一些粘在罐子的内壁,这诱惑我拿起用来搅拌的勺子刮出罐子里的每一点布丁,直到把它刮得干干净净,几乎不用再清洗。

3. 制作这种美味的餐后甜点需要耐心和时间,而这两者正是我现今的生活所缺乏的。

4. 一方面,速食食物更方便,只需要一只碗就好。不会弄得一团糟,也无需劳师动众。但是在生活中,我过多地选择了最便捷的方式。噢,是的,我在这个过程中达到了目的。然而,我获得了什么?速食的东西并不能给生活带来什么满足感。一份令人自豪的踏实的成就需要像烹制“即做即食”的布丁那样特别的用心。

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