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Of course, England is the easiest country in the world, easy, easy and nice. Everybody is nice, and everybody is easy.The English people on the whole are surely the nicest people in the world, and everybody makes everything so easy for everybody else, that there is almost nothing to resist at all.But this very easiness and this very niceness become at last a nightmare.It is as if the whole air were impregnated with chloroform or some other pervasive anaesthetic that makes everything easy and nice, and takes the edge off everything, whether nice or nasty.As you inhale the drug of easiness and niceness, your vitality begins to sink.Perhaps not your physical vitality, but something else:the vivid flame of your individual life.England can afford to be so free and individual because no individual flame of life is sharp and vivid.It is just mildly warm and safe.You couldn't burn your fingers at it.Nice, safe, easy:the whole ideal. And yet under all the easiness is a gnawing uneasiness, as in a drug-taker.

It used not to be so.Twenty years ago London was to me thrilling, thrilling, thrilling, the vast and roaring heart of all adventure.It was not only the heart of the world, it was the heart of the world's living adventure.How wonderful the Strand, the Bank, Charing Cross at night, Hyde Park in the morning!

True, I am now twenty years older.Yet I have not lost my sense of adventure.But now all the adventure seems to me crushed out of London.The traffic is too heavy! It used to be going somewhere, on an adventure.Now it only rolls massively and overwhelmingly, going nowhere, only dully and enormously going.There is no adventure at the end of the buses'journey.The bus lapses into an inertia of dullness, then dully starts again.The traffic of London used to roar with the mystery of man's adventure on the seas of life, like a vast sea-shell, murmuring a thrilling, half-comprehensible story.Now it booms like monotonous, far-off guns, in a monotony of crushing something, crushing the earth, crushing out life, crushing everything dead.

And what does one do, in London? I, not having a job to attend to, lounge round and gaze in bleak wonder on the ceaseless dullness.Or I have luncheons and dinners with friends and talk.Now my deepest private dread of London is my dread of this talk.I spent most of my days abroad, saying little, or with a bit of chatter and a silence again.But in London I feel like a spider whose thread has been caught by somebody, and is being drawn out of him, so he must spin, spin, and all to no purpose.He is not even spinning his own web, for his own reasons.

So it is in London, at luncheon, dinner, or tea.I don't want to talk.I don't mean to talk.Yet the talk is drawn out of me, endlessly.And the others talk, endlessly also.It is ceaseless, it is intoxicating, it is the only real occupation of us who do not jazz.And it is purely futile.It is quite as bad as ever the Russians were:talk for talk's sake, without the very faintest intention of a result in action.Utter inaction and storms of talk.That again is London to me.And the sense of abject futility in it all only deepens the sense of abject dullness, so all there is to do is to go away.








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