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One morning a small boy squatted motionless on the grass in the garden for a long time. His mother felt so odd that she walked close to see what had happened. The boy, in earnest,squatted in front of a blade of grass, on which a round dew in the sun gave a colorful light,exceedingly beautiful. The small boy extended his hands under the grass silently as he appreciated the dew. Seeing his mother walking over to him, the boy said with a slight sadness, “Mother, the dew’s dying.” The mother said to her son with a smile, “Even if you put your hands under the grass, you cannot stop the dew disappear from this world.” The boy said, “Mother, I’m only thinking not to throw it in pain when it falls.”

一天早上,一个小男孩蹲在花园的草地上,久久不动。 母亲觉得蹊跷,便凑上前看个究竟。只见男孩非常认真地蹲在一茎草叶面前。草叶上,一颗圆圆的露珠,在太阳的照射下,正幻出七彩的光芒,格外美丽。小男孩一边欣赏着这滴露珠,一边把双手摊开,静候在草叶下。 看到妈妈走过来,男孩略带忧伤的说:“妈妈,露珠快要死了。” 母亲微笑着对儿子说:“你就是把双手放在草叶下面,还是阻止不了露珠在这个世界上消失的命运啊。” 男孩说:“妈妈,我只是想,它落下来时,别摔疼了它。”

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