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1.There is a spell in autumn early,

2. One all too brief, of an enchantment rare:

3. The nights are radiant and pearly,

4. The days, pellucid, crystal-clear…

5. Where played the sickle and fell the corn, a mellow,

6. A warm and breathless stillness reigns supreme;

7. Spanning the brown and idle furrow,

8. A dainty thread of cobweb gleams.

9. The birds have flown, we hear no more their clamour,

10. But winter’s angry winds not soon will start to blow.

11. Upon the empty fields there pours the azure glow

12. Of skies that have not lost the warmth of summer…

1. 初秋有一段奇异的时节,

2. 它虽然短暂,却非常明丽——

3. 整个白天好似水晶的凝结,

4. 而夜晚的天空是透明的……

5. 在矫健的镰刀游过的地方,

6. 谷穗落了,现在是空旷无垠——

7. 只有在悠闲的田垄的残埂上

8. 还有蛛网的游丝耀人眼睛。

9. 空气沉静了,不再听见鸟歌唱,

10. 但离冬天的风暴还很遥远——

11. 在休憩的土地上,流动着

12. 一片温暖而纯净的蔚蓝……

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