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Once upon a time there was ...“A king?” my little readers will say immediately.No, children, you are mistaken. Once upon a time there was a piece of wood. It was not fine wood, but a simple piece of wood from the wood yard, like the kind we put in the fireplaces so as to make a fire and heat the rooms.I do not know how it happened, but one beautiful day a certain old woodcutter found a piece of this kind of wood in his shop. The name of the old man was Antonio, but everybody called him Mastro Cherry on account of the point of his nose, which was always shiny and purplish, just like a ripe cherry.As soon as Mastro Cherry saw that piece of wood he was overjoyed; and rubbing his hands contentedly, he mumbled to himself: “This has come in very good time. I will make it into a table leg.”No sooner said than done. He quickly took a sharpened axe to shape the wood; but when he was on the point of striking it he stopped with his arm in the air, because he heard a tiny, thin little voice say, “Do not strike so hard!”Just imagine how surprised good old Mastro Cherry was! He turned his bewildered eyes around the room in order to see where that little voice came; but he saw no one. He looked under the bench, and no one was there; he looked in a sideboard which was always closed; he looked in the basket of chips and shavings; he opened the door in order to glance around his house; still he could see no one. What then?

“I understand,” he said, laughing and scratching his wig, “I imagined I heard that little voice, I will begin to work again.”He took up the axe and gave the piece of wood another hard blow.“Oh! You have hurt me!” cried the little voice, as if in pain.This time Mastro Cherry was dumb. His eyes nearly popped out of his head; his mouth opened wide, and his tongue hung down on his chin, like that of gorgon head on a fountain.As soon as he could speak he said, trembling and stammering from fright, “But where did that little voice come from? There is nothing alive in this room. Can it be that this piece of wood has learned to cry and scream like a baby? I cannot believe it. This is an ordinary piece of wood for the fireplace, like all other pieces with which we boil a pot of beans. What next? What if there is some one hidden inside? If there is so much the worse for him. I will settle him.” And saying this, he seized with both hands the poor piece of wood and knocked it against the wall.Then he stopped to listen, so as to hear if any voice complained. He waited two minutes, and heard nothing; five minutes, and nothing; ten minutes, and nothing.“I understand,” he said, forcing a laugh and rubbing his wig; “I imagined that I heard a voice cry ‘Oh!’ I will begin to work again.”And because he was somewhat frightened, he tried to hum an air so as to make himself courageous.At the same time he stopped working with the axe and took up a plane to make the wood even and clean; but while he planed he heard again the little voice, this time in a laughing tone, “Stop! You are taking the skin off my body.”

This time poor Mastro Cherry fell down as if shot. When he opened his eyes he found himself sitting on the ground. His face expressed utter amazement, and the end of his nose, which was always purple, became blue from great fear.

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