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June has arrived; the year is moving very quickly. I know that’s pretty silly because there are still 24 hours in a day. But as each day goes by are you getting closer to your dreams?Have you ever noticed that as children get older, many of their dreams seem to vanish? At age five or six many kids are anxious, excited and eager and have some of the wildest dreams you have ever heard of.But slowly, over time, as they get older, those dreams just seem to slip away. And when it comes to adults, sadly, many, many of them simply have no dreams. It is all they can to do just get by. But, that is not so concerning the person whose dream I want to share with you.I’d like you to meet someone. Her name is Rachel. She is almost thirteen years old. She has a dream.A week ago, our friend Doug was traveling back to California and he spent the evening with us. He had his two daughters and one of their friends with him. One of his daughters is Rachel.I was sitting out on the patio after dinner talking to Rachel about school. I asked her if she had any plans after high school. I was delighted with her answer. She knows exactly what she wants to do.

She told me she wants to go to culinary school in either New York or Paris. She said that it will probably be in New York because her aunt Candice lives there. She wants to learn how to do pastries. But her dream doesn’t stop there.She described what her restaurant/pastry shop would be like. She can envision a special place for family and friends to sit and taste her new creations. She was so excited describing her vision and added that most of her friends have no idea what they want to do.So, will her dream ever come true? No one can say for sure. But if you ask Rachel, she is absolutely convinced. Time will tell, but that’s not the point.The point is that she has a dream. And I know that there are those who would say, “Well that’s nice,” seeing it only as a child day dreaming, doubting that it will ever come to pass. But there were things that Rachel didn’t mention to me.She said nothing about the current economy. She didn’t have any doubts about what the future holds for her. She didn’t mention anything about how the current housing market or stock market might have an effect on her dream.

And again, no one can predict the future. But this little girl has a big dream. The sad part is that many big girls and big boys have abandoned their dreams for one reason or another. They have accepted what they call “harsh reality” and are doing all that they can to just get by.That begs the question, “When do you stop dreaming? When do you give up on your dreams? When do you just forget all those dreams and accept life as it is?” I say, “Never.”One of the biggest reasons people abandon their dreams is that they can’t see any way for them to come to pass. Some feel cheated out of their dreams. Others feel stupid for even having a dream in the first place. But what’s wrong with having dreams and goals?Just as no one can predict if Rachel’s dream will come true, no one can predict that your dream won’t come true. Well, no one except you. When you give up on your dream then it is certain that it will not happen.But why not keep your dreams alive and even add new ones, even if they never happen. Instead of looking at where life is today, why not look forward to where life can be tomorrow. Many people have a hard time doing that because they are afraid of failing. I would rather fail at trying, then never try at all.

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