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Meal cult is an important part of country’s culture. Food and drink are the main necessities for sustaining life, and Taiwan cuisine takes a special place among the great cuisines of the world. Taiwan has a broad variety of dishes because of great ethnic diversity.The diversity of cuisines contains eight principle types: Hoklo (or Taiwanese), Hakka, vegetarian cuisine, northern style cuisine, Hunan, Jiangzhe, Hong Kong, and Sichuan. Seafood is used in all these cuisines as a culinary culture of Taiwan that is simple and light.

In Taiwan people prefer to drink tea or coffee with some sandwiches for breakfast. They like fruits and sweets which are laid in a big plate on the table. For example, when the time for lunch comes, people eat salty dishes such as steamed and chopped chicken, steamed streaky pork with dry mustard cabbage, or dried mustard greens. Besides, they like rice with boiled eggs or fried potatoes with meat or fish. In Taiwan people have hundreds of receipts of dishes with rice and fish. Traditionally, Chinese dinner is laid at the round table in the center of which there is a flat circle on a revolving stand. It is necessary to point out that meals are served on big plates and are put in required amount on small plates by a person. At first cold snack is served, then time comes for hot dishes and only after these dishes the so called principle dishes are served. In Taiwan people like to eat dishes with rice, meat and fish. In the end of dinner a soup or a broth is served. There is no dessert—fruits and sweets are on the table during all the dinner and they are very often used in the principle dish.

Consequently, Taiwan cuisine represents one face by which a country is famous for. Traditional breakfast, lunch, and dinner in Taiwan are similar to breakfast, lunch, and dinner in Europe; however, there are some details you should know about Taiwan cuisine.

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