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The cartoonist uses two opposite pictures to express his/her thought.It's obvious that the artist wants to criticise the behavior of the man on the left hand, who is merely satisfied with his possession of books and not has the intention to read them. And apparently, what the artist wants to praise is the man on the right hand. Though having fewer books, he has a schedule of reading 20 books a year.

Profound meanings can be seen in these vivid pictures.We've heard the old proverb, "Show,don't tell", which equals to the modern saying, "Practical action speaks louder than empty talk." Words are cheap. Anyone can say he wants to be successful, but he will not succeed until he takes actions. If you are simply talking, nothing will happen, but when actions take place, you are actually leading to success. Actions prove who someone really is while words only show what someone wants to be.

What's more apparent in these two pictures is reading is a starting step of many things. It builds solid stairs for you to climb up and achieve something big out there. We live in an era where we are exposed to overflowing information,and reading is the main way to take advantage ofit.





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