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梦想就像一粒种子,任何有梦想的人 都要细心呵护自己梦想的种子,因为你的 呵护,终有一天,它会长成参天大树。下面小编为大家整理的有关梦想的简单英文文章,希望对大家有用!


One excuse for not doing anything is that people don’t know how it will turn out. This is not a problem in nature. Every- thing is programmed to just do what it is meant to do.

Let me explain. When we plant a seed, we need to make a hole, put the seed in it, then watch it grow. No matter whathappens to it, the seed is always doing itsbest to become the picture on the packet. If you feed and water it the way you should, the seed will turn into a good- looking plant. How many times have you seen a plant seem dead because it has no water? You then give it some water, and the next day it is back as if nothing has happened. It continues to grow.

It is also interesting to observe its changes in the first few weeks after something ap- pears above the ground. Of course, you cannot dig the seed up to see what hap- pens before then. If you did this, at best you would delay the time of growing, andat worst you would kill the plant.

Think about what the seed is doing, and look at your ideas and goals as if they were seeds. Decide that you are going to achieve the goal you have in mind; understand that things will not happen immediately, but that things are going on underground; real- ize that if you keep your idea fed and wa- tered, it cannot fail; and finally, remember that even though things may look depress- ing at times, never give up, and things will look up.

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