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阿萨·坎德勒(Asa Candler,1851—1929),“可口可乐”之父。他将一种药物饮料开创成风靡美国的流行饮品,并将其推向全世界每一个角落;下面小编为大家整理的可口可乐英文小故事,希望对大家有用!


It has become such an integral part of American culture that when the Coca-Cola Company tried to change the original formula for its flagship drink in the mid-1980s, the public backlash was overwhelming; the Old Cola Drinkers of America was even established and tried to sue the company.Today, Coke is sold in the stores, restaurants, and vending machines of over 200 countries. The company is one of the largest in America, and also the largest manufacturer, distributor and marketer of nonalcoholic drink concentrates in the world, with over $24 billion in revenue and 71,000 employees. The man behind all of that growth is Asa Candler.Born on December 30, 1851 in Villa Rica, Georgia, Asa Griggs Candler was the eighth of eleven children to Samuel and Martha Candler. He grew up during the time of the American Civil War. Candler’s father was a wellestablished merchant and property owner, but the war would take its toll on the family; they often had no more than the bare necessities. Candler’s formal education began when he was five years old, but was sporadic throughout. When he was ten years old, he left school and spent his time working on his father’s farm. While he could have opted to attend Emory College, he instead let his brother, Warren attend in his place, believing that Warren’s desire to enter the Ministry was a noble one.

Candler had a keen sense for business from an early age. One day, after hearing some noise coming from under the kitchen of the family farm where they kept their chickens, Candler went down to discover the presence of a mink. He chased the animal out of the house and through the yard until he finally caught it with his bare hands. The mink bit Candler on the arm—leaving a permanent scar—but Candler managed to kill it. He finally sent the mink’s pelt off to Atlanta, thinking he would get perhaps seventy-five cents for it, but instead he made a profit of one dollar. “The man who bought it wanted more,” said Candler. “I started people in the neighbourhood catching minks, and the skins we sold brought quite a sum.”Candler was anxious to enter the working world. He had an interest in the medical field, but with no money for medical school, he decided to pursue a career as a druggist. He took on an apprenticeship with two pharmacists in his hometown, but his earnings were meager. So, Candler decided to move to Atlanta in search of better opportunities.In 1873, with just $1.75 in his pockets, Candler made the move to Atlanta, where he would live out the rest of his life. He landed a job with a local druggist by the name of George J. Howard. His early success and work ethic led to his promotion as chief clerk. However, after a falling out with Howard—Candler had begun a relationship with his 15 year old daughter of which Howard disapproved—Candler decided to strike out on his own and become his own boss.

In 1877, Candler and one of his former co-workers, Marcellus Hallman, began a partnership and established their own retail drug establishment. At the time, druggists were known for their dubious cure-all potions, which usually had little impact. Over the years, these concoctions became more popular for their sweet taste than their medicinal effects and pharmacies became the place to go to enjoy a casual drink.Candler’s first products were a range of perfumes as well as a ‘blood balm,’ which he sold at his drugstore. The success of this venture was such that he bought out his partner’s share. In just over ten years, Candler’s company had become one of the largest drug businesses in all of Atlanta and was earning over $100,000 a year; his own personal net worth had reached $50,000. Candler continued to manufacture and sell various medicines and cosmetics until one day, he was paralyzed by one of his nagging migraines. In fact, it would turn out to be a blessing in disguise.Candler’s migraine was so bad that he was willing to try whatever it took to get rid of it. He turned to a little known product that had been produced by a fellow Atlanta-based druggist, John Smyth Pemberton. Pemberton had created something called “Coca-Cola,”his own personal fizzy “brain tonic” and headache remedy that combined coca leaves and kola nuts. He had been selling the drink for five cents a glass at his own drugstore. It was created in his back yard in a threelegged fifteen-gallon pot that stood over a fire, and when Candler sampled it, he was immediately hooked.

In what appeared to be a rash decision to onlookers, Candler decided at once to sell his entire stock of drugs, paints, oils, glass, and fancy clothes. He sold off everything he could and raised roughly $50,000. He initially invested $500 into Pemberton’s company, but by the end of 1891, he had managed to gain control over the entire Coca-Cola product for just $2,300. He used the rest of the money to continue manufacturing and marketing the drink.In 1892, Candler incorporated Coca-Cola in Georgia, with capital stock of $100,000. While the formula for the drink remains one of the business world’s best kept secrets—it is said that only two company executives have access to the SunTrust vault in which it is kept—it is known that Candler tinkered with it after buying it from Pemberton to make it better tasting. He also replaced the tin cans the syrup was stored in with refurbished whiskey barrels.

In Candler’s early days, he focused solely on marketing Coca-Cola as a fountain drink. In 1899, two Tennessee attorneys approached him with the idea of bottling the drink. In a costly mistake, Candler had little interest in the venture and sold them exclusive rights to bottle and sell the drink. Sales soared from 9,000 gallons in 1890 to 370,877 gallons in 1900. The company would later spend much time and effort buying back those rights. By 1916, the company was earning $27 million. Over the years, sales continued to rise and Coca-Cola came to dominate the industry. Candler’s initial $500 investment had paid off.Outside of the soft drink market, Candler was also a success in banking and real estate, and he also served as mayor of Atlanta from 1916 to 1919. Before passing away from a stroke on March 12, 1929, Candler had become famous for his generous philanthropic donations to such institutions as Emory University and Emory Hospital, as well as 50 acres of his land holdings to establish Candler Park.

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