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Beebie was sitting in a carrot field when she suddenly noticed a very sleepy looking caterpillar.

“I'm very sleepy, ”yawned Caterpillar.“It's getting quite cold and what I need is a comfy bed and a cozy blanket so that I can have a good nap! ”

“I'll help you, Caterpillar! ”offered Beebie and she hopped off to find a comfy bed and a cozy blanket for her new friend.Very soon Beebie came to a forest, where she met Sammy the snail.She could hear the birds singing in the trees.

“Hello, Beebie, ”Sammy greeted her.“You look like you have a very important task to do.”Beebie explained that she needed a comfy bed and a cozy blanket for her friend, Caterpillar.

“Hmmm, ”mused Sammy, “I wonder what you could find in the forest to be a comfy bed or a cosy blanket.”As the wind whistled through the trees and the leaves fluttered Beebie had a wonderful idea.

“That's it! ”exclaimed Beebie.“We can use that lovely soft leaf as a cozy blanket for Caterpillar.”Beebie picked up the leaf and waved goodbye to Sammy the snail.

Next Beebie arrived at the seaside.Beebie liked the sound of the sea lapping on the shore.

“Hello, Beebie.”a little voice said behind her.It was Michelle the hermit crab.

“Hello, Michelle, ”replied Beebie.“I'm looking for a comfy bed for my friend, Caterpillar.”Michelle thought that one of the shells might be comfy. She explained that some sea shells are magical as you can hear the sound of the sea whistling inside them.

“That's it! ”exclaimed Beebie.“We can use that pearly shell as a comfy bed for Caterpillar.”So, Beebie picked up the shell and waved goodbye to Michelle. When Beebie returned to the carrot field with the shell and leaf Caterpillar was overj oyed!

“Oh, thank you so much for my comfy bed and cozy blanket.”said Caterpillar.In no time at all she curled up inside the shell and tucked the leaf in around her.

“I think I'll have a nice long nap.”It was dark and starting to rain but Caterpillar was nice and dry in her comfy bed.

In the Spring Beebie returned to see her friend and find out how well she had slept.But, when she returned, Caterpillar was nowhere to be seen.Then, all of a sudden Beebie heard a voice from somewhere above her.“Hello, Beebie, ”said the voice.“I had a wonderful sleep.In fact it was so good; look how beautiful I have become! ”When Beebie looked up she didn't see a caterpillar.Instead, she saw a beautiful colourful butterfly!















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