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A determined fund-raiser for a museum called me.“I'm putting you down for$100.”she announced in a voice intended to cut off discussion.

“I don't object to the amount, ”I answered, “unless you object to checks that bounce.”

She chuckled and we agreed on a smaller figure.

For many of us, saying no is the hardest things we do.Spouses, friends, children, bosses, colleagues, church and community groups — all weigh in with requests for our time or money or both.We would like to oblige, but we have to refuse demands that will impose too great a cost on our own time and tranquility.

Saying no is every person's prerogative, and it need not seem harsh or unkind.Whenever you find yourself about to say yes but wanting to say no, try one of these strategies.

“I really admire you.”Bird photographer Laura Riley begins with a compliment.When asked to serve on a committee, she softens her refusal by saying, “I'm so glad you asked.I really admire your organization, but my schedule just won't allow me to accept your offer.”

The same approach works socially.Try:“There's no one I'd rather have lunch with.”when turning down a date.Or:“Jim and I always have a wonderful time at your parties, so I'm really sorry we can't make it.”And in business:“You are such a fair boss that I know you wouldn't assign this if you didn't think I could handle it, but I am really overloaded.”

“That's an excellent offer.”A marine supply officer told me his favorite phrases are:“That's an excellent offer, but we're not in a position to take advantage of it right now, ”and“Good idea, but I'm afraid we have to pass on it for the time being.”Phrasing your turndown in a positive fashion can avoid hurting feelings, and“right now”or“for the time being”leaves the door open a little.

“Let me think about it.”Teacher Carolyn Pordes used to make a mess out of trying to say no.Then an acquaintance helped her with a simple observation:“Rarely do you have to give a yes or no answer on the spot.”Now, faced with a request, come to a complete stop.You don't have to be a rescuer.I've finally learned to tell a young relative, “Hey, that's tough.I hope you can find an answer.”A second strategy is to bring the concealed question into the open.“If you're asking whether we can put you up, I'm afraid we won't be able to that weekend.”

When emotional blackmail is used to make you say yes, respond to only half of what the person says.To a mother who laments, “If you cared about me, you wouldn't make me spend Sunday alone.”comment only on the first phrase.Ask:“How long have you been telling yourself I don't care about you? ”

“No.”At times the best way to say no is to simply say it.I asked my friends Dee-Dee and Cornelius Gallagher how they handled saying no when their seven children were small.They seemed surprised.“When it mattered, we just said no.”

A busy chief executive is also a fan of the straightforward no.“A clear no prevents misunderstandings, ”he says, “it keeps people from going off in wrong directions and wasting time.”

Remember, you always have the right to say no.No matter how you choose to say it, you have the right to protect your own time and interests and assets. And you are seldom obliged to explain.Saying no need not be rude.Done right, it shows consideration for others — and for yourself.












“不。”有时拒绝的比较好办法就是简单地说不。我问过我的朋友迪伊 迪伊和科尼利厄斯·加拉格尔,当他们的七个孩子还小的时候,他们是怎样拒绝的。他们俩显得有点吃惊:“有必要时我们就说不。”



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