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Saying good-bye to a child going to college for the first time is rough.I should know.I had a practice run two years ago with my daughter, Katie.I went to pieces when she left, and my husband, Joel, thinks I'm going to fall apart this time, too.I sensed it last night when he said he'd take the morning off from work to go with us.I wouldn't hear of it — I want to prove to him that I can handle it.

It would be easier if Joel felt as I do — we could help each other adjust to the emptiness of a home without children — but he doesn't need help.As far as Joel is concerned, it's time for Andy to begin to leave us.Joel is right, of course, but how does a person cut off 18 years of closeness? Well, there will be no tears.I'll imagine I'm Joel.

As Andy talks to the check-in clerk, a sliver of sunlight bounds through the airport lobby, streaking his gleaming hair.It looks like copper, the way it did when he played in the sandbox so many years ago.

“Hey, Mom, ”he calls as he lopes over to me, waving his boarding pass, “I got the window seat in front of the wing just like Dad said.”“That's great, Andy”.Despite my resolve, my voice quavers.

He puts his arms around me.I kiss him one last time before he ambles down the passageway, a reedy redhead, and guitar swinging by his side.

A silver-winged arrow cuts through the clouds, disappearing as I ease onto the highway.I throw a kiss, then sit straighter, reinforcing my determination not to dwell on the past.There are no airplane sounds as I leave the high-speed traffic for the familiar environs of home.

I shop and cook, arrange asters in a bowl on the round porch table.Coals sit in the brazier waiting to be lighted as Joel's car pulls in.

“Something smells good, ”He comes into the kitchen, loosening his tie.He eyes the cocktails, me in my ivory slacks and new yellow blouse.“Are we having company? ”“No, we're going to celebrate being alone together.The next one is on you.You can take me to The Greenery.”

He kisses my words away.It feels so good in his arms, but I don't want him to think I'm clinging to him because I miss Andy.I push myself away and open the oven door.

Ice cubes clink in frosty glasses.Flames leap from smooth black charcoal. Joel broils the fish.I stir my Mornay sauce.And we are careful — so very careful — of what we say to each other.Joel doesn't ask me about Andy's takeoff.It's as if he's afraid to mention our son's name, afraid he'll start off a torrent of tears.

I don't mention the old oak tree, nor the sunrise I plan to paint.We're formal with each other.We can't say what we're thinking.This isn't quite the atmosphere I had envisioned, but maybe it's better this way.

The fish is superb, the sauce tangy and the chocolate silk pie perfection. We sit on the glider now, watching the coals dim to a downy gray.Joel pulls me close as the glider gently sways beneath us.I rest my head on his shoulder.

“That was a great dinner, Mages.”He sighs contentedly.

He smells good — like shampoo — and he looks so young despite the streaks of silver in his hair.And he loves me, too — I know that.Why, then, am I crying?

After a moment, a long, silent moment, he whispers in a husky voice, “I miss him, too.”

















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