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When computers’ entertaining function is highly spoken of, such a problem does deserve our serious concern. First and foremost, the most serious harm of Internet games comes from their contents, which can affect children’s mental fitness. The majority of games involve violence, such as fighting and killing. To win or to kill their opponents, children are permitted to use various means including guns, knives and bombs. When they enjoy the pleasure of success, a violent turn of mind, which may induce future violent behavior in their real lives, is developed and rooted in them. What is more, indulging in Internet games also does harm to children’s physical health. The radiation from the computer can arouse many uncomfortable feelings, like headaches, poor eyesight and even losing hair. Being lack of sleep and always forgetting to have dinner, such children are more inclined to get irritable and suffer from severe malnutrition.

Of course, this is not the end of the story. Indulging in Internet games also affects children’s studying, and their communication with others. All these facts indicate that it is time for us to manage Internet games as a whole society.




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