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To begin with, the explosion of city populations causes harm to our natural environment.The growing urban populations severely damage the ecosystem with a huge amount of household rubbish. Rubbish hills dumped on the outskirts are a case in point. Even if people bury or burn the waste, it may bring about soil or air pollution. Furthermore, hundreds of tons of waste water from factories are contaminating city rivers day and night. Gone are the days when people enjoyed swimming in the rivers and fishing on the banks. Sometimes, worse still, untreated sewage poured from chemical factories directly poisons urban water supplies. Drinkable water has become a rare resource, and people have to take in somewhat polluted water. Thus one of urbanization’s results has been the emergence of many new diseases and more and more cancer cases.

Accordingly, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures. For one thing, we should appeal to the authorities to make strict laws to control urbanization. For another, we should enhance people’s awareness that sustainable development is extremely vital to us.


首先,城市人口激增破坏了我们的自然环境。日益增长的城市人口制造了堆积如山的生活垃圾,严重破坏了生态系统。一个恰当的例子就是倾倒在郊区的垃圾山。 即使人们填埋或焚烧垃圾,也可能会导致土壤或空气污染。此外,成百上千吨的工业废水夜以继日地污染着城市河流。人们享受在河里游泳、岸上垂钓的日子已经一去不返了。有时更糟的是,化工厂倾倒的未经处理的废水直接污染了城市供水。饮用水已成为稀缺资源,人们不得不饮用多少有些污染的水源。后果之一就是很多新型疾病的出现以及越来越多的癌症病例。


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