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As we can see in the picture, a school built for migrant workers'children is much shabbier and poorly furnished compared with a key public school. The two schools are geographically close to each other, which makes for a sharp contrast.

There are several reasons for this phenomenon of the picture.Firstly, urban public schools always ask for sponsor fee amounting to thousands of RMB for the enrollment of a migrant student, which is quite beyond the latter's financial capacity. Secondly, migrants find difficulty in integrating with city life culturally and emotionally. They fear that local students would look down upon and bully their children. So they prefer poor schools exclusively for the migrants'children. However, the teaching conditions in migrant schools are really dissatisfactory, as there is usually no classroom for music, painting and computer, not to mention library or laboratory.

Since migrant workers are contributing vastly to the social and economic development of cities, they should be rewarded with deserved rights including impartial education opportunities for their children. Therefore,it is an urgent task to build up an integrated educational system for migrant children. As children are the future of our nation, creating a good environment for their upbringing means creating a bright and promising future for our nation.





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