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The picture depicts a man who is happily singing and walking home with his cute dog. He is coming back from work carrying his briefcase, and he must have stopped by the market on his way, buying vegetables and fish. As is suggested by the picture, he is exercising by waving the briefcase and basket together.

The picture is thought-provoking in that it endeavors to convince its audience that we can actually exercise anywhere, as long as we have the awareness of preserving health by exercise. Nowadays a large number of people engage in brainwork, and lack adequate physical movement. Moreover, many of them hold this deep-rooted view that in order to exercise they must squeeze time from their full schedule to go to a gym. Therefore they tend to weasel from exercise simply due to their scanty time. However, the fact is that it is quite easy for everybody to exercise while walking on streets, traveling on buses, and even lying on bed—say, doing yoga.

I reckon that the consciousness of maintaining health is significant for both individuals and the whole society. On the individual level, it is vividly evidenced by the man in the picture that his exercise improves his health and mood as well. On the social level, the improvement of health, thus quality of life, contribute vastly to a harmonious society.





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