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The cartoon features a man who looks fat, wealthy and greedy for food. He is insatiably devouring a table of delicious food, while we are surprised to find that the waiter is serving him with even more dishes. We cannot help worrying whether this man's stomach can bear so heavy a load all of a sudden.

As the caption points out, excessive love for food exerts negative influences on health. Whenever in front of dishes of superb taste, we need to keep in mind that a certain amount of food is enough to sustain us. Equally, the same truth applies to a bunch of our other habits. In other words, it is a must to limit any hobby, or else it may lead to disaster. Another typical example would be many folks' devotion to computer games. Playing computer games now and then is an interesting entertainment, but an addiction to them would surely detach people from their time commitment to normal work and study.

As a result, I believe that limitation plays a decisive role in maintaining healthy habits in our everyday life. Moreover, we should learn to effectively control our desires and sometimes greed. Proper limitation always leads to a sound and jovial life.





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