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The above picture features a man who is quite bothered and dissatisfied with his new toothbrush, which is of poor quality. As the caption indicates, the toothbrush is not a product of good attributes, but of unsatisfactory ones. We can also guess that such a toothbrush may hurt the man's teeth and affect his mood, inconveniencing him greatly.

It is more than clear on this occasion that the cartoonist wishes to draw more attention to the problem of poor-quality products prevailing in our society. The harm of such a phenomenon is self-evident. On the micro level, consumers are hurt by these products, which might even be life-threatening. On the macro level, if low-quality products continue to spread, they will damage the normal operation of a healthy market economy.

Therefore,I strongly contend that immediate measures must be adopted to address the quandary.First and foremost, the government should make relevant regulations so as to severely punish manufacturers of poor products. Secondly, Consumer Associations and other legal procedure should be further smoothed so that consumers possess the right channel to report related issues. Last but not least, enterprises and companies should enhance their awareness of the importance of producing excellent commodities.





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