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Today's society is deluged with fake products and constructions. Given this fact,we still feel quite shocked to discover in this picture that a water disposal station is such an ornament. Polluted water that goes through the station inexplicably remains unchanged, but is able to be drained off into rivers and seas.

The drawing ironically echoes with the insufficient efforts we have committed against pollution. On the one hand, government and the whole society have already arrived at the consensus that great manpower and money should be input to fully implement water conservation policy. On the other hand, some local officials only care about how to bring about a thriving economy and vibrant trade flows, neglecting the accountability of environmental protection. But I would say that the picture reveals an action lacking farsighted view, because pollution, in the long run, will inevitably undermine the fundamentals of economy.

To briefly conclude, the inadequate efforts to pollution issues are posing a fatal threat to mankind's survival on Earth. To prevent such a pessimistic future, the public should impose great pressure on government to take pollution affairs as priorities. Additionally, those who are responsible for false facilities that claim to address pollution should be fined and chastised.





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