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The drawing portrays a tragic scene in which the only remaining tree of a previous forest begs the pardon of a lumberman, as if empowered by human emotions. Surrounding this tree are numerous fresh tree stumps, which testify to the lumberman's "hard work" while lamenting the loss of their paradise.

The picture aims at assailing a serious environmental problem—deforestation, for which several factors are responsible. In the first place, wood is an indispensable raw material for industrial production and daily life. Secondly, the expanding human population requires more living space, and forests are always the first choice humans decide to sacrifice. As a result, forests have experienced, and are experiencing fatal destruction worldwide.

Given forests'fundamental role in sustaining ecological balance, their damage will result in irreversible harm to the world's environment. Therefore,urgent and effective measures should be implemented so as to prevent deforestation. For instance, there are already some steps that have proved useful, say, the establishment of reserves of natural lands, the creation of substitutes of wooden products. The preservation and restoration of forests is a complex project that calls for more concern from the human society.





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